This module features a total 14 digital I/O pins on the board, of which 6 pins are used as PWM.Introduced by, Arduino Pro Mini is a compact, small-sized, sophisticated microcontroller board based on the Atmega328 microcontroller.We have already shared many Proteus Libraries for Embedded sensors and these days we are trying to improve their versions.įirst, we will download this library in zip format and then will use it in our Proteus software to simulate Arduino Pro Mini.īefore we go further, first we’ll detail what is Arduino Pro Mini.
But if you still find any bug/error, you can approach me in the section below. I keep getting bug reportings from our blog readers (for previous versions), so I have tried to remove these bugs in this newer version. I have already discussed its previous version i.e. In this post, we’ll cover the Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V2.0.